New York NY:Blocked Sidewalk or Street Complaint

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The City accepts complaints about blocked streets and sidewalks.

Property owners and businesses must keep sidewalks clear of objects that block pedestrian traffic. Objects can include:

  • Trash or recycling cans
  • Basketball hoops
  • Barbecue grills
  • Other personal property

Trash containers, including garbage dumpsters, may only be placed on the sidewalk at specific times.

  • Residential Properties: You may place trash containers out starting at 5:00 PM the evening before the collection day.
  • Commercial Properties: You may place trash containers out for collection one hour before an establishment closes if the private carter picks up after closing or within two hours of the actual collection if the private carter picks up during the day.

Stores are allowed to have outside displays of merchandise, but they may extend no more than 3 feet into the sidewalk from the building and no higher than 5 feet. ATMs must be placed behind the building's property line or inside the building. Certain streets are designated "zero sidewalk display" streets and generally may not have any items on the sidewalk.

It is illegal to block streets from car traffic unless you have a permit

Relates to the following request types

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