Evanston IL:What are the snow removal requirements for City residents?

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Snow removal requirements are addressed in two sections of the City Code.

Title 5, Chapter 1 Property Maintenance, 302.3 Sidewalks states:
All public and private sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces, parking lots and similar areas shall be kept in a proper state of repair, and maintained free from hazardous conditions including snow.*

  • Note: This requirement applies at all times and is not limited to a 4 inch snowfall. Generally it is applied to private property but the City can use it on the adjacent public right of way. Exit stairways should never be hazardous.

Title 7, Chapter 2 (7€”2€”9-3: - AREAS KEPT FREE FROM SNOW, ICE, DIRT AND WEEDS:
(A) Sidewalks: Every owner or occupant of any dwelling house or other building, or proprietor or lessee of any enclosed lot or premises, within the City shall, during winter months, whenever there is a snowfall with an accumulation of four inches (4") or more and within twenty four (24) hours of said four inch (4") accumulation, clear the sidewalks in front of or adjoining such house, building or premises of snow or ice in order to give access to abutting property and public ways, and keep the same conveniently free therefrom; or shall, in case the snow and ice are so congealed as not to be removed without difficulty or injury to the pavement, spread the same with sand or salt. Every such owner or occupant shall also, at all times, keep such sidewalks clear and free from all obstructions so as to allow pedestrians the safe and unobstructed use of the same.(Ord. 9-0-80)
Any person who removes snow or ice from the public sidewalk or street shall not, as a result of his acts or omissions in such removal, be liable for civil damages. This paragraph does not apply to acts or omissions amounting to willful or wanton misconduct in such snow or ice removal.(Ord. 6-0-79)
(B) Off-Street Parking Areas: Every owner or occupant of any dwelling house or other residential building, or proprietor or lessee of any business, commercial or public premises within the City, shall clear the off-street parking spaces and access thereto for spaces required to be provided under zoning or other City codes for said premises of ice and snow within twenty four (24) hours of any four inch (4") or greater snowfall. (Ord. 117-0-80)

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