Evanston IL:The water pipes may be frozen in my home; I have no water. Can the City help by thawing the pipes?

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The Evanston Water Utility does not thaw frozen water services as this is an internal/private issue.  It is recommended that the resident contact a plumber for assistance.

Here is some potentially helpful information:

The City does not thaw frozen water pipes.  Resident should visually inspect the pipe and meter for any visible cracks that would cause a leak when the pipe thaws. If there are visible cracks, the resident should contact a plumber. If there are no visible cracks, the resident should warm the pipes using a hair dryer, space heater or heating pad. When warming the pipes, leave a cold water faucet open so that once the water starts to thaw it has someplace to go. Periodically inspect the pipes while thawing them to see if there are cracks in the pipe that start to leak.

If the frozen pipes are in a closet or under a kitchen sink, keep the doors to the area open so that warm air from the house can reach the area. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU TRY TO THAW PIPES USING AN OPEN FLAME!

If you are able to get the pipes thawed, you should keep a trickle of water running from a faucet until the weather warms in order to maintain flowing water.

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