Evanston IL:If I am temporarily living in Evanston, can I purchase a Non-Resident Parking Permit Sticker?

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The two permits that you reference are actually the same permit. We offer a Residential Parking Permit at a few different rates. The rates vary based on if/when you car was registered through the State of Illinois to your Evanston address and the length of time you are going to live in Evanston.

If your car is registered to Evanston, you would pay for a Wheel Tax and then you would pay for the Residential Parking Permit at the resident rate.

If your car is not registered to your Evanston address you would not be required to pay the Wheel Tax but you would pay the Non-Resident rate for a Residential Parking Permit.

In either case we would need to see your current vehicle State Registration along with current proof of address (either your new lease or a current utility bill).

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