Evanston IL:I have no water throughout my house, apartment or condominium.

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Water may be off in a single family dwelling (house) due to an internal plumbing problem, work occurring in the street, or because the water service was turned off for non-payment. 

If you have no HOT water, this signifies a problem with your hot water heater. You will need to contact a plumber to resolve the problem. 

If you have no COLD water, determine if the lack of water is at only one faucet or at all the faucets in the entire house.

If the lack of water is confined to one faucet, this is an internal problem. You should unscrew the screen at the end of the faucet, clean it and put it back in.  If you are unable to do this, you will need to contact a plumber to resolve the problem.

If there is no cold water at any faucet, take these steps:

First, check to see if water was turned off for construction or maintenance in your area.  Newsletters are sent out to each property that will be affected and temporary no parking signs are posted a minimum of 48 hours before work begins.  In emergencies (i.e. water main break) 48-hour notice is not given.

If there is no known work going on, you will want to check to see if the water was turned off due to non-payment.

To arrange for a payment plan for a past due balance, submit a "Payment Arrangement" service request on the City's website: https://www.cityofevanston.org/how-to-/311/submit-a-request or call 311.

To report that your water service has been disrupted, submit a "Water Service disruption" service request on the City's website: https://www.cityofevanston.org/how-to-/311/submit-a-request or call 311.

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