Bellevue WA:Donation Bench Program

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The Donation Bench Program is a great program that allows individuals or organizations to place memorials in Bellevue parks.  The acceptance, placement, and installation decisions are made by the City's Parks & Community Services Department and must fit with the parks master plans and existing conditions within the park site.  The cost of a bench donation is $2,500. All other donations are reviewed on a case by case basis.


  1. Applicant contacts City of Bellevue and requests a “Donation Bench Procedure Guide.”
  2. Application & payment is submitted by the applicant (plaque verbiage must be included).
  3. The application is reviewed by City of Bellevue.
  4. The City of Bellevue contacts the applicant to discuss and/or schedule a meeting at the park site to talk about details.  At this time the applicant is informed if the application is approved & the applicant’s credit card is charged.
  5. City of Bellevue orders plaque.
  6. Applicant approves plaque sample to confirm proper verbiage & spelling.
  7. Plaque is created and applicant is notified when the bench is installed.

Relates to the following request types

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