An Epidemiological Study Of Outbreak Investigation Of Chickenpox In Remote Hamlets Of A Tribal State In India PMC

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The defining symptom is a characteristic blister-like rash, which can cause severe irritation. Most children have a relatively mild illness, but severe illness may occur in adults and people with depressed immunity because of existing illness or because of a treatment that they are receiving (e.g. chemotherapy). The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends immunization against varicella. The chickenpox vaccination is available on the NHS only for people who are not immune to chickenpox and are in close contact with people at risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch it. Healthcare workers and laboratory workers who are not immune to chickenpox are also eligible for the vaccine.

It is also provided free to susceptible adults as 2 doses separated by at least 6 weeks. Varicella-containing vaccines are contraindicated in individuals with active, untreated tuberculosis as a precautionary measure.

It can be painful and could affect any part of the body, such as the mouth, genitals, perianal area, face, arms and legs, feet, and hands. The rash usually lasts between 14 and 28 days and changes through different stages before finally forming a scab, which later falls off.

A doctor is usually certain of the diagnosis of chickenpox because the rash and the other symptoms are so typical. Spots in the mouth quickly rupture and form raw sores (ulcers), which often make swallowing painful. Raw sores may also occur on the eyelids and in the upper airways, rectum, and vagina.

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